Automatically subtitle your videos with Triple8
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Subtitled with

Subtitled videos are 80% more likely to be watched in full

Source: Verizon Media
  • Upload your video

    Triple8 subtitles your videos in the spoken language and has the ability to automatically translate them into more than twenty other languages. You can upload your videos in any common video format.

  • From audio to text

    Through machine learning, AI and a combination of the best speech engines in the world we subtitle your videos. Correct the subtitles when necessary to make sure your video is exactly the way you want.

  • Download your subtitled video

    You will receive your fully subtitled video in your mailbox in next to no time. You can immediately share the video on your social media or website. We will also provide the SRT file of your subtitles and a square version of your video.

Triple8 is compatible with

85% of Facebook videos are
watched without sound

Source: Facebook

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